Item Types Demo Login Instructions

To see online web demo, the following needs to be downloaded and installed in the same order.
  1. Java2D runtime (Download)
  2. Java3D runtime (Download)
  3. Java JMF (Download) - for audio and video
If you don't want to install, you can see our videos instead of playing with the online demo.

Demos(Sorted by Item Type Number) - Java Applet, JavaScript, Flash, Games Items

Username and password pairs to logon:

  1. User Name: guest Password: guest
  2. User Name: guest1 Password: guest1
  3. User Name: guest2 Password: guest2
  4. User Name: guest3 Password: guest3
  5. User Name: guest4 Password: guest4
After you log on choose Practice (Evaluation and Adaptive are currently not available)

Demos(Sorted by Subject) - Java Applet items (old version)

Username and password pairs to logon:

  1. User Name: bob Password: bob
  2. User Name: bob1 Password: bob1
  3. User Name: bob2 Password: bob2
  4. User Name: bob3 Password: bob3
  5. User Name: bob4 Password: bob4

After you log on choose Practice (Evaluation and Adaptive are currently not available)